GIS Data Link for Petrel

Seamlessly Transfer Subsurface Data from Petrel to ArcGIS

Are you struggling with moving data from your Petrel project to ArcGIS? Tired of working with intermediate formats and conversions? With the GIS Data Link you can export data from Petrel, directly to an ArcGIS readable format. The plugin offers a user-friendly menu which allows the user to export a specific dataset, or do a bulk export of multiple datasets.

Simple surface export
Surfaces are exported directly to GeoTIFF and can be brought into ArcGIS in seconds. No intermediate format needed.

No more shapefiles
Points, lines and polygons are exported directlyto feature classes containing various metadata stored in the attribute table.
Polygons can be closed automatically without the need to generate geopolygons first.

Live trace oultines from seismic cubes
Polygons from seismic cubes can be created based on where the cube actually has data. This gives a better and more accurate outline representing the cube.

Georeferenced screenshots
Screenshots of the 2D window in Petrel can be exported directly to a georeferenced screenshot which can be brought into the ArcGIS map view.
This comes in handy when you just want to do a quick comparison of data etc.

Well export
All well data is exported to feature classes, incluing well heads, well paths, tops and log.

Import GeoTiff
Import any GeoTiff directly into your Petrel project.

Technincal information

The GIS DataLink plugin requires Petrel 2020 or above.
The plugin works independently of ArcGIS version.

Supported data types:

  • Interpreted horizons and surfaces
  • 2D/3D Seismic
  • Wells with well heads, well paths, tops and logs
  • Points, lines and polygons

Price & Licensing

The Subsurface Portal for ArcGIS is licensed as an annual subscription license.

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Want to know more?

Get in touch

Erlend Kvinnesland
CEO - Geocap