Automating maritime boundary calculations
The accurate computation of maritime boundaries is a matter of national priority....
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Maritime boundaries form the outermost limits for most States and is a matter of national priority. Well-defined maritime boundaries reduces ambiguity in the spatial definition of a State’s maritime zones and increases the potential for international harmony, economic activity, resource managment and environmental protection.
Geocap offers a complete set of software solutions for working with Maritime Limits and Boundaries, includning extended continental shelf delineation. We have over 15 years of experience with law of the sea related work with clients in more than 50 States around the world.
The world leading software for extended continental shelf delineation in accordance with UNCLOS, Article 76
Calculate maritime limit lines and maritime boundary lines in ArcGIS.
The accurate computation of maritime boundaries is a matter of national priority....
GRID-Arendal has successfully helped to secure the sovereign maritime rights of developing States...
GEUS uses Geocap in their work to claim five areas off the Faroe Islands and Greenland....